conjuh man

When I stepped into the rains of enlightment, I was washed over with renewal and vibrance as if I had just been dipped in the waters of Nun, and the worries of yesterday were hurried away by her dark tides.

The peculiar practice of mine exhorts that one must not fear death, foremost, because there is no such thing as death, only the transfer of energy. Naturally, one who doesn’t fear death cannot make a good slave.

I am Mansa Ba’Khu Akunlegba Heru Sa Ra Ptah Khufu Olorun, the Great Old One, the Speaker of Spells, the Keeper of Conjuh, the Master of Magik, the Voice that commands the Weret-Hekau.

There’s a calling in my body
There’s a calling in my spirit
There’s a calling in my soul
Silent but I can hear it

There’s an aura
Around the history
Whatever is in that place
It’s in me

Spirit animals and four dimensional rides
Rootworkers and granny midwives
Ritual customs
Mystic traditions
No spookiness to it
It’s all intuition

Healing herbs that sooth
An enchanting breezy mood
Complete stillness
Things talk to you down there
The spirits come at night
Their words float through the air

The tradition calls to you
Louder and clearer til you must go
They already know who you are
Your coming was foretold

-by Ba’Khu Olorun

When The Call Comes

In no text, in no place, nowhere in Conjuh, also known as Hoodoo, is there a statement made or guidance of any semblance that says to turn the other cheek. I don’t come from people who willingly turned the other cheek.

To my forebearers, the most liberating force in the universe was spirituality.

“When someone comes along and picks an apple from de apple tree, does the tree get mad, moan ‘n groan, and c’plain?” Mama asked. “No! It simply goes inside itself and brings forth yet anotha apple,” her brow furrowed, “be de apple tree, baby. If you feel somebody den took somethin’ from ya, it can only be temporary.”

I stay away from unhealthy people, doing unhealthy things, in unhealthy places, at unhealthy hours. This practice allows me to maintain a balanced vibration and peace. Otherwise, I would hate to have to take someone to the crossroads or to the valley of the bones and burn bread on.

“When you can move spirits around, you find that you no longer have to move at all.” -Mansa Ba’Khu

I don’t turn the other cheek

Betrayal is never the act of an enemy. It can only be the act of a friend.

When something is taken, something is given

You're missing yourself and you're not aware of it.

If you have the power to do, you have the power to not.

The one worth listening to is the one who takes your ego away, the one that when they speak, they uplift you. This is a truth-teller, a healer.

You're failing to seize the obvious.

love potion

When I say love, I’m talking about a balanced and deliberate commitment to another person, one that is demonstrated by action. Action that benefits your divine counterpart without discounting your self. Action that is caring, creative, and consistent, without being self-devaluing, manipulative, or egoic. When you fall in love, no one will have to remind you of your love. This is the love that has no opposite.

The power and efficacy of my work comes from the relationship I have with my Spirit Family, made up of dearly beloveds, ancestors, orisha, angels, and animals. The spirits of these timeless individuals and creatures keep my roads open and clear. It’s their wisdom that guides my rituals.

I rather you forget me than remember me wrong.

“You don’t chase money,” Mama said. “You attract it."

Make it stand out

Conjuh is not a religion. It is a path one commits to take so that change is made in an imbalanced situation. Conjuh is a way of restoring balance.

I am a Master Eleven born on the Cusp of Magik. This means that I am a Gemini-Cancer cusper. Thus, I am a Gemini Sun, Virgo Rising, and Pisces Moon. My auro color is white. I am the great grandson of a most powerful and well-known conjuh lady from the Deep South. I use my spiritual gifts to show others the light that is within themselves.

I believe in the transmigration of the soul, that upon death one is reborn to either continue on one’s life path until the necessary lessons are learned or to ascend to a new life path. Both are private matters between oneself and the Creator once one is on the other side.